But the modern division between state and church, a division the same church introduced in a temporary way to prevent with a ready-to-use solution any possible autonomous development of the religious resistance against her power (from here the apparent contradiction between a war on modernism by Ledochowsky and his contemporary support to other particular form of secular modernism), could brought a subtle sarcastic collateral effect for Rome. Precisely when a state cannot forbid certain actions of humans which are aimed purposely for a Roman Catholic salvation, but can limit them establishing with the power of the state sovereignty precise rules and laws imposing actions and works to human outside any religious (read: Roman Catholic) consideration. Precisely, the (involuntary) sarcasm in front of Rome consists in that allegorical role of secular “pope” played by a state and its collectivity, when they dare to impose a milestone to evaluate actions or passive behaviors, living so as if saint Peter square and the pope contained in it were only characters on the illustrations of a romance.
But the Universalism of Rome couldn't care the less about the religious color of the state, a color decisively turning towards the Protestant side of the rainbow, and just in spite of this, for a certain spirit of contradiction, she continue to produce material actions (or the denial of them, the good works of passive papal resistance), and this totally outside any consideration for the secular finality of the state.
Such phenomena is known today under the limited, secular definition of “corruption”. The “corrupted” administrator, seen from the side of the Council of Trent theology, is not a criminal, but a knight of the church. He gained a great amount of indulgences (“banknotes”) in an active or passive activity of 'good working' against the theological essence of the state and against the modern, secular concept of “public wealth/interest”, but not to destroy it entirely, as you would argue, instead, in order to paint it with the Counter Reformation colors, of course after having smashed him down on his kneels.
The corruption and financial disaster of the public sector are in a marriage, because they are only two sides of the immense Roman Universal resistance against the centers of autonomy from Rome in the society. The final result of this theological guerrilla, for great part developed in an instinctive spontaneous way, couldn't be else than the pure and simple dismissal of the state (at least the one we know today) , a refrain which in Europe as well the world is from day to day an obsessive pray:
Above video - People's Revolution at the Dam square - URL: http://youtu.be/Awf67DEI0BU"......Similarly, the Greek government measures focused on declining the debt through dismissals in public sector, cuts in education, healthcare and social security (wages and pensions) and increasing labor elasticity. What were the results of these policies? The unemployment increased from 8% in 2007 to 16% in March 2011, the minimum wage declined from 700 to 560 euro. However these measures aiming at declining at least the debt totally failed: the debt increased by 9% in one year. So, currently a new packet of measures for another 60 billion euro loan is being discussed, which will privatize the majority of public sector, decline even more the wages and increase the cuts...........".
Friday, May 27, 2011
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Because they were the true money. Rome, instead to sell to you indulgences, and hence transforming them in another kind of goods, among other goods in the stores, thought well to eliminate money (Gold and Silver) and to substitute it with indulgences (“banknotes” with absolutely no value). From being considered at the times of Luther only another good among others, indulgences became the only instrument able to supply you with the means of survival. Don't worry so if Gold and Silver are disappeared, if it exist a 'divine' entity on earth, any form of materiality must be submitted to it. Hence any human actions must pass through a theological check. Another phenomena not well known, as it is smuggled in the world's awareness under the Marxist concept of “commodification of the human life”, which can be extended to the above mentioned phenomena of the "corruption" with the term of "commodification of the state for the theological profits of Rome":
".........The news is as important, even if the mainstream media will not find a trace. Scott Alvarez, a lawyer of the Federal Reserve, the U.S. central bank, the previous June 1, in a debate with Republican Congressman Ron Paul, has admitted that the Federal Reserve has said that she does not own gold and the gold ascribed to the budget of the U.S. Central Bank refers to certified gold in 1934. See the video of the debate in which the lawyer Scott Alvarez says that the Fed does not own gold since 1934....".From: http://attiliofolliero.blogspot.com/2011/06/la-federal-reserve-usa-ammette-di-non.htmlSeen in: http://www.luogocomune.net/site/modules/news/article.php?storyid=3768See: